This week was amazing! I learned so much about faith and hard work. As we truly trust in our Savior and do our part we will see miracles in our lives.
We had some fun family nights this week (I included some pics). We talked about putting God first in our lives and we did the little example with the big rocks, little rocks, and sand. And if you don´t put the big ones in first there won´t be room in the end. Just like in our lives. If we don´t put the most important things first, that is seeking first the kingdom of God, we won´t have enough time in our lives for the rest. But when we put God first He´ll help us take care of the rest.
We are still working with the family of Mizi and Nicola! They are preparing for marriage and should have a date set in the next week or two. We taught them the word of wisdom yesterday and Nicola said that he has used everything that he´s not supposed to. But then he just looked at us and said, well, I didn´t know it was a commandment, but now that I´ll do I´ll keep it! This family has so much faith. They may not be rich in the material things, but they are rich in spirit. Mizi is always studying and learning more and she comes to every activity possible. I´m so excited for them!
We had divisions this week! I went with Sister Vieira, from Brazil, to her area and wow, what a testimony building experience. All of our appointments fell and we walked around for hours in the burning sun and crazy wind. We talked to every person we ran into and knocked on every door in our sight. It seemed as just about at the point we were starting to lose hope we decided to knock doors on one more street of houses. And.. we found a couple are ready to be MARRIED and BAPTIZED. IT WAS SO COOL. The husband literally asked us when he could be baptized and then in his prayer he told God that he wanted to be baptized in this religion. We left that visit with our hearts full. The Lord has people prepared, but it´s not until after the trial of our faith we will see the miracles.
On a less serious note we had some lizard friends in our house this week! And Sister Sorensen may or may not have sat on top of the counter until I got them out from under our fridge and out of our house. Hahaha, so that was fun.
We also are still having some water issues, but nothing like last transfer. We´ve been able to get the water filled up on the top of our house. We just have to use it wisely. #countyourblessings
Well, that´s it for us here in Sal. This work is amazing! I´m loving every second I have to share the wonderful news of the gospel to my brothers and sisters here in Cabo Verde. I´m so grateful for the amazing Plan of Salvation that our loving Heavenly Father has prepared for us. Christ is our Savior, He lives, He loves. Trust in Him and let the miracles happen in your lives.
Have an amazing week and a great Valentines day!!
Com amor,
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